Well it has been a busy couple of weeks. Fortunately here in the south east we've missed the worst of the recent weather. Certainly though the combination of sun and rain (and yes we've had sun as well) has really brought the beans on.
As you can see below the wigwams of runner beans are full of flowers and last weekend we had the first meal from them.
However, it is the French beans which are giving us the biggest headache...... with two adults and a toddler to feed there is just no way that we could eat the 5kg (11lb) we've picked over the last week. Some has been given away, some has been frozen - now we're searching for other uses. I've even cleaned up all my wine making stuff..... Yes I'm even considering trying to make French Bean wine ...... eek!
And in other news.... today we had the first sighting of a couple of baby squash.... sneaky bugger, I never even spotted any flowers!
Mixed luck with the spuds though. The King Edward got badly hit by blight so all the haulms were removed to save the tubers. On digging the last few 'Bonnie' I found quite a few starting to rot, so dug up the first row of K.E. Obviously yield was poor but no sign of these rotting so have left the second row till next weekend.
And finally, everything I sowed a couple of weeks ago has come up (so that's Pak Choi, carrots, beetroot and lettuce). Oh and I spotted a slowworm in the compost bin - but he managed to slither off before I got a chance to take a piccie.